Archive for May, 2012

The New APPLE Spaceship Campus!
It is obvious that Steve Jobs was not just focusing on his companies products towards the end of his life. Beyond the New IPAD, I-Phone, the IPOD Touch, the MAC Air and MAC MINI there was a more broad vision coming from this man. Steve Jobs had […]

How To Rise Above Low Expectations!
Have you ever thought that some of the suffering we experience in life is due to living with a mind state filled with low expectations? If we expected more from ourselves we would have a thought process that could lead to more success. If a human being […]

How To Stay Centered!
How can you be centered if your focus is always external. Especially if your focus is on all of the scenes that pass before your eyes on a daily and momentary basis. If the energy and frequency of the people, places, things and events on the external we […]

The New Movie TOTAL RECALL August 2012!
The new movie TOTAL RECALL remake will be released on August 3, 2012. The movie is based on the 1966 short story “We Can Remember It For You Whole Sale” by Philip K. Dick. The plot of the new movie TOTAL RECALL is similar to the […]

The VERIZON Jetpack 4G LTE Mobile Hot Spot Mi-Fi
Imagine being able to take your Wi-Fi connection with you. You will not have to depend on whether or not your Wi-Fi connection is strong. Sometimes trying to tap into an already existent Wi-Fi connection can be a burden. It would be very convenient to be able […]