Author Archive: James Hamlett

OWN Oprah: Your Ego or Your True Self
On Oprah’s first episode of her Master Class show (on the OWN network) she spoke on trying to determine the difference between living in your ego and your true self. She reflected on a time in her life when she was basing her self worth on how much […]

The Kardashians: A Different Look Part 2
It is easy to dream about success, but to actually bring it into existence is another mental journey all together. In this day and age of microwave instant success and fame, building a family business in front of cameras is not always easy to do. There are some in […]

The Kardashians: A Different Look Part 1
Viewing the opening episode of the Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries wedding, the average person could get caught up in the pageantry of the event itself. It would be very easy to even get caught up in the personalities of the show and not the ever present undercurrent constantly bubbling […]

Apple A.I. Technology for the IPHONE 4s – SIRI
The new voice control technology for the IPHONE 4S is called “SIRI”. It is an Artificial Intelligence App that Apple purchased from SRI International for approximately $200 million a few years back. That is a grand sum for just an App. It is the Artificial Intelligence technology built into it […]

Emerging from the Sidelines of Life
There are individuals who have been on the sidelines of life so long that it is almost a comfort zone to be invisible. To take the risk to come off of the bench and actually win in the game of life is a scary prospect. Mental excuses are made […]

Apple Innovator Steve Jobs Dies
Steve Jobs the visionary innovator who made products that were very effective, technologically advanced, dependable, and yet easy to navigate has died. From the Apple Classic to the IPHONE 4s, ease of use, cutting edge technology, innovative exciting design, and rock solid dependability were the hallmarks of Apple products. […]

Do YOU Follow your BLISS?
Are we following our Bliss? The thing we would really love to do if we had a chance. Our Passion. It does not really matter what people think about what your true path in life is. It does not matter because your Bliss or Passion is what you are born or […]

APPLE IPHONE Press Conference – IPHONE 4S
Apple held its much anticipated press conference today which was to unveil product updates in their complete technology line. The most anticipated new technology was the introduction of the new IPHONE. The new CEO Tim Cook detailed the financial success of Apple as a company, it’s market share, and explosive growth in […]

Music the Soundtrack of Our Lives
Music is not just an abstract set of sounds to be used just for entertainment purposes only. Music can touch our hearts, minds and enhance the events of our lives. Music can calm the mind and set it free to dream beyond the every day mundane activities we encounter. […]

The New Amazon Kindle Fire
Today Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos unveiled the new Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet. The price for entry is $199. The Kindle comes with a 7 inch screen. The Kindle will be able to access Amazon’s app store, stream movies,music, and TV shows. All of your files and data will be saved with Amazon’s […]

As we change!!
As we change within everything transforms around us!!! Will we do what is necessary to change or remain the same? Thoughts are the key, planted within to blossom outwardly.