Category: Life Style

Music Is Sonic Sculpture!
Music is not a joke, a fantasy or a set of sounds created to manipulate people in order to make money. Music to me is one of the highest forms of art like the paintings and sculptures of the great masters. Only the greatest in music fit in […]

Folic Acid: Brain Power In The Foods We Eat!
The supermarkets that are in our neighborhoods contain all of the foods that are filled with Folic Acid which is part of the B Complex family. Folic Acid is necessary for the proper development of the brain. We all need to be reminded from time to time that […]

Who Is Truly Your Friend?
Many of us really think we have true friends. We feel that because someone has been in our lives for an extended period of time, they are officially our friends. What kind of criteria did we use to justify their existence as friends in our lives? There […]

I Think From The Passing Lane!
I don’t necessarily want to get caught up in the middle lane traffic of life. There is a chance that you could get caught up with a crowd that might not reach their destination in a timely manner or not at all. Who wants to get caught up following vehicles that are accustomed […]

Recharge Your Batteries To Grow!
You sometimes have to take a break to look at things with fresh eyes. To constantly grind at your work without taking a break can cause an individual to not work at their highest levels consistently. I am sure we have all had times in […]

We Make Our Own Breakthroughs!
When will the time come which will mark the fulfillment of our dreams. The time which will signify the point of ultimate success in our lives. For some of us that time will come quickly and for others it will come through a more lengthy time period. The smaller […]

Remind Yourself Of Who You Really Are!
A friend of mine says that sometimes you have to remind yourself of who you really are. He would say that sometimes you have to look back at your past accomplishments to remind yourself of the greatness that has flowed through your temple. Current circumstances can sometimes can […]

You Have To Take What Is Yours!
At this very moment you may not be doing the thing you would like most to do on this earth. So What! Does that mean we should give up on the pursuit of our perfect life and dream? The reality is that we may have to work that […]

Hurricane Sandy Sparks Appreciation!
The power was out in my home for 6 days during Hurricane Sandy. There was no hot water in which to take a shower, and food had to be thrown away because of a lack of electricity. In the tri-state area of New York, (which includes New Jersey, […]

Russell Simmons has been the main visionary who has helped to launch Hip-Hop from obscurity into the mainstream. His decisions have put him, his artists, fashion companies, and music at the forefront of the entertainment industry for decades. He even has a financial business which features the […]

A Special Thanks To The Composers Of The Past!
I just want to send a special thank you to all of the music makers and composers of the past. It is such a great responsibility to be the one that makes music that will be the back drop and soundtrack of our lives. I have been watching music videos from […]

The Principles Behind the Personality Really Matter!
We see many images of successful innovators, entrepreneurs, scientists and entertainers everyday. We are never told what principles are underneath the massive success some of these individuals attain in life. The principles are much more important than the personalities who embody them. We sometimes worship personalities not realizing […]

The Value Of Wise Elders!
Our society would have us believe that once a human being reaches a certain age they become more of a liability than an asset. The elders of today are not seen as being an integral and important part of our existence. There is an atmosphere in […]