Continuing the Cycle!
What ever train of thought, habits, or repetitious behaviors that are ingrained in us will end up being the cycle that we will unknowingly continue and pass on. Sometimes we may not like how those who came before us have treated us, yet we make no real moves to break the cycle of behavior. It is much easier said than done. Many times we suffer in life because we are surrounded by individuals whose cycle of negativity has continued from the previous generation and we take on some of the poison they have been bathed in. Obviously things can be easier for an individual if they have been surrounded by a loving, positive, supportive cast of characters in their lives. If that is not the case, making an effort to not repeat the mistakes of the previous generation would be a first step in change. You can be surrounded by negativity on all fronts and still use your will to resist imitating that which you see. Our very future success may depend on it. Continuing a cycle unknowingly can make us walk around with an invisible yet heavy mental burden we can’t seem to shake. A mentality that can keep us at an arms distance away from accomplishing our goals. We get very close to accomplishing what we are striving for but we miss the mark because of the remnants of energy from the unbroken cycles of others imposed on us. This energy can even repel the positive people who may be trying to reach out to us.
Recognizing the weaknesses we have is the only way to change behavior. Any time in my life I have been in denial about any behavior or pattern and have refused to address it properly, it would end up coming back to haunt me in one way or another. Weaknesses are present for us to remove them. When we put on a front and act like we are perfect and don’t need to change we stop growing. It is a hard pill to swallow sometimes. When we eradicate one weakness there will always be another one right behind it in some form or fashion. The job will never be fully complete. Improvement is an ongoing and gradual process with sometimes no other outward reward than obtaining a better mentality, stronger character, and becoming more magnetic on the positive side of things. Change is a life time activity.
There is a saying that: “Repetition is the Mother of Learning”. Repetition is the very tool through which we can break a cycle. Surrounding yourself with all of the positive ideas you can pour into your mind on a continual basis will break up the poison that has been gathered through our life’s journey. As it is said two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. For myself I have had to watch my actions in order to put a magnifying glass on them so the negativity could be gradually rooted out, picked and plucked. Ideas are some of the most powerful entities in existence. It would be best that we possess the finest caliber of ideas for our mental arsenal. It is not easy work but necessary, because you and I do not want to be the transmitters of negativity to people, because we did not take the time to change and transform our own carry-on luggage. We have to make the first step to break the cycle of negativity that is sometimes passed on to us.
Category: Life Style
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