Do Not Waste Time! Use It Wisely.

| February 9, 2017 | 0 Comments





Do Not Waste Time!



We as human beings are constantly in motion, communicating physically, verbally or typing via our smartphones, tablets, the internet and social media.  Are we really maximizing the precious time we have been blessed with?  I have seen individuals busy doing a whole lot of “nothing”, (if there be such a term).  Being very busy does not change the fact that our time on this planet is limited.  We have to question ourselves and ask: are we doing what we have the gifts to do?  Will we have regrets at the end of our lives, wishing we could live life all over again and pursue our true dreams?  It may seem as though we will have all of the time in the world to use as we please.  This type of thinking needs to be erased from our minds.  It is an illusion.  Let us not waste our lives. We cannot afford to do it!

When we start to use time properly it seems as though it starts to slow down. Time is really not slowing down, we are just more in tune with it.   We are really using it in a more productive manner.  We are in that mental “zone” forgetting about the past and the future, while melting our consciousness into the Eternal NOW.  We can sometimes waste time worrying about the past or the future.  Thinking like this can cause us to waste precious mental and physical energy.  Imagine having a mind that is completely free to center it’s thinking processes on the present moment with 100% power.  In the present moment there would not be any mental friction to hinder our minds from being the perfect receiver or transmitter of ideas, visions, or sparks of imagination.  We can be very busy on a daily basis with many responsibilities that occupy our attention. When we do not have a present moment awareness our mind state will be floating in many directions.  Our awareness will not be locked in the present moment.  Do not waste precious moments in life in hopes of recapturing lost opportunities at a later date!  Nothing is promised.

Your life is the vehicle through which you experience and realize your dreams.  We are living breathing mental and spiritual vehicles born to find ways to master the time we have been blessed with.  We can blame no one when we just let time just slip by us, not understanding that it will never return.  If the past could constantly be recycled back to us, we could live for all eternity.  Since that is not the case we have to work to find a way to never waste the blessing and gift that time is.  To actually see time as a blessing and a gift will be difficult for many of us.  Time seems to be an absolute that we are guaranteed to have, like the air we breathe.  Every day we are alive we get a chance to embrace time and utilize it to our advantage.  We use time to our advantage by not copying other people and their way of life. We need to try to find out why we were put here on this earth and pursue our ultimate destiny.  We have a supreme destiny that may not have anything to do with others.  We copy others and lose the magic authenticity that is tailor made for us and our true personality.  We lose the path that is on fire for us and lit up from within our inner being.  The path we were born to embrace, love and conquer.  Do Not Wast Time.










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