Music the Soundtrack of Our Lives
Music is not just an abstract set of sounds to be used just for entertainment purposes only. Music can touch our hearts, minds and enhance the events of our lives. Music can calm the mind and set it free to dream beyond the every day mundane activities we encounter. Certain songs have a unique magic to them that can even suspend our ideas of worry and send chills up our spines. Music can even make time disappear, because you forget everything that was going on before your favorite song came on. I can identify many of the things that were going on when many of my favorite songs were released. If the song is a timeless classic, I can get that feeling every time I play it on my ipod or stereo. There is no great movie released today that could make it without the assistance of a great soundtrack. The same goes for commercials, video games and documentaries. They all need good music. Since music is such an important part of our lives, why does it seem like the feeling, passion, love, sincerity and very heart beat of this art seem to only come alive for the occasional hits. Does the sound track of our lives still have the same impact? Is it time to expand our search and support some new talent?
Category: Life Style
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