Archive for February, 2012

HIP HOP Music: A Tune-Up for the Future!
It is the perfect time for those who are currently participants in the Hip Hop genre to look back. I have long been a lover of the greatest songs in Hip Hop music. It is time for the scope, and vision of this music to become […]

New Movie: THE AVENGERS May 2012!
The new movie THE AVENGERS will be produced by Marvel Studios and will be distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. THE AVENGERS will be released on May 4, 2012. The director for THE AVENGERS is Joss Whedon who has also directed the 2005 movie SERENITY, and the […]

The new SONY PLAYSTATION VITA has recently been released and is taking the portable gaming industry to a new level. The SONY PLAYSTATION VITA will be backed by AT&T’s mobile broadband network. The AT&T network will enable the SONY PLAYSTATION VITA to change the users gaming experience by […]

Better From Every Angle!
What would happen if we made just tiny adjustments to our mentalities day by day? Not huge leaps in terms of change but small consistent, vital changes to our mind states day by day. If we looked for a new expression of thought that could make […]

The New Movie: THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN will be released on July 3, 2012 and is being distributed by SONY Pictures. The film was shot in the USA and was directed by Marc Webb. THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN was shot in 3D using Red Epic, Panavision […]

The SONY Z Series Android Walkman: New!
There is a brand new product from SONY that seems to have been designed to rival the ever popular and successful IPOD Touch from APPLE. The SONY Z Mobile Media Player will be available for an official release very soon. The SONY Z Mobile Media […]

POTASSIUM: For the Mind, Heart, and Body!
POTASSIUM is a commonly heard of mineral that is able to do the Heart and Body Good. Generally we acknowledge that bananas and other fruits have POTASSIUM, but we (for the most part) have no concept of the vital bodily functions it promotes. When we know the […]

The New Movie PROMETHEUS: Ridley Scott June 2012!
The new movie PROMETHEUS directed by Ridley Scott will be released in theaters in June 2012. PROMETHEUS the movie will be distributed by 20th Century Fox. The movie was created with the idea of it being a Prequel to the 1979 film ALIEN, Yet it is not […]

Whitney Houston Gone Too Soon is an complete understatement. The world mourns the loss of the iconic pop singer Whitney Houston who died on February 11, 2012 at the age of 48. May she be remembered for the joy she has brought into the lives of millions […]

APPLE Is Being Sued Over The IPAD Name!
APPLE is being sued by the Shenzen, China based technology company Proview. Proview is suing APPLE over the IPAD name. Proview Technology is a subsidiary of Hong Kong based: Proview International Holdings, LTD. Proview Technology is currently suing APPLE in a Beijing based court over […]

Your Fairytale Made Real!
So many individuals are fed images of what their life is supposed to look like, scene by scene. What kind of beliefs they should have. The kind of clothes that are proper to wear. People sometimes alter their speech and mannerisms to adapt to the […]

Focus The Lens!
Whether it is a camera, telescope or a binocular there is a way to focus on an image or target and fine tune its clarity. The more sophisticated equipment will even allow you to isolate the image you’re focused on and fade the […]

The SONY PLAYSTATION 4 has been developed and is being fine-tuned and tweaked for an eventual release at the end of this year or early 2013. When the previous version of the PLAYSTATION was released it quickly sold out in all stores that were carrying […]

We Are Like Clay and Not Set In Stone!
There is a fallacy that we cannot make any significant mental changes beyond a certain age. It is felt that once we get to a certain point in life our mentalities become set in stone and there is really no hope for us to change. That […]