Archive for April, 2012

We Only Use Material Things, While We Are Living!
Some of us really think we can claim complete ownership of the things we possess in our time on earth. There are some of us who depend on the comfort material items give to us. Others of us judge individuals based on the quantity […]

The Beat Goes On Forever!
Nothing can stop the creation of good music. Radio stations (at this point) will not create the renaissance in music that people are waiting for. The best music that will ever be created is waiting to be received by current and future composers. If the antenna […]

The Powerful Mineral Phosphorus!
There are many powerful effects that the mineral Phosphorus has on the human body. I have shared information on vitamins in the past and now we will embrace our first mineral. The all natural food sources that contain Phosphorus will be presented in this post as well. […]

Building Momentum In Our Lives!
When a cars speed is accelerating from zero it steadily builds momentum until it reaches 55 to 60 miles per hour and begins to cruise. Once we begin to build the proper momentum in the continuous executing of a given task we begin to cruise to […]

The Cream Always Rises To The Top!
Even if you and I are not being recognized for the great things we are striving to be in life, we need to remember that the cream always rises to the top. I truly believe that all of the things we are doing behind the scenes are […]