Building Momentum In Our Lives!

| April 11, 2012 | 0 Comments










When a cars speed is accelerating from zero it steadily builds momentum until it reaches 55 to 60 miles per hour and begins to cruise.  Once we begin to build the proper momentum in the continuous executing of a given task we begin to cruise to where it becomes effortless.  When we have that kind of effortless grace and poise when executing a once difficult task we can be sure we are gradually giving birth to mastery.

Building momentum comes from starting in the beginning when the task is new and your execution of it is unsure, unsteady and shaky at best.  Imagine a little baby struggling to walk.  The baby has to go through different levels of struggle in order to be able to walk erect and confident.  When an adult walks he or she is cruising, while walking and maneuvering with no special thought focused on their movements.

Momentum is the key to creating success for the future events unfolding before our eyes.  If we do not build momentum concerning the actions we are executing there never will come the time when we will cruise into the realm of effortless ease.  Struggle will lead to mastery which will eventually grow into ease of execution.  For some tasks it may take months or even years of practice to acquire the state of cruise control that we would desire.  When a plane takes off and rises above the  clouds there are no storms, just sunshine.  That is also the point in which the pilot allows the passengers to take off their seat belts and move around the cabin.  The plane had to build momentum and speed in order to operate above the clouds where it rose above the weather conditions below.

If you subtract the consistency of momentum from our lives we will see that without it, we will not master many of our chosen skill sets.  Momentum is the engine behind the handling and mastering of tasks that are very important to our lives and existence.  If we have built momentum in any skill, task, or talent, we have effectively flexed our mental or physical muscles in a way that cellular memory has been created and implanted within us.  When a human being has arrived at a Landmark in their development and has developed a momentum that has reached a fever pitch where they can operate completely within the Zone.  Momentum makes the Zone easier to get in, and generate at will.  When all of your skills and talents are outgrowths of the development of momentum how could you be stopped?  You would be effortless ease in motion!


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