Don’t Let Anyone Try To Stop You!

| August 9, 2012 | 0 Comments











There are some individuals who do not have an encouraging bone in their bodies.  They have a mind state that makes them want to slow down the progress of someone who is striving for success in their lives.  Yet they would not be able to handle that toxic energy coming in their direction.  Individuals who try to stop others are trying to slow down someone who can end up being a threat to their existence.  A person who is very comfortable in their own skin is not threatened by anyone.  A person with a healthy sense of self only wants to see the best for the individuals in their midst.  If you are working as a team to create something innovative, the best of everyone involved needs to be drawn forth.  Teamwork and harmony is much more powerful than negative competitions amongst those who are there to help you achieve your goals.  Don’t Let Anyone Try To Stop You!

When you are purely, honestly, and sincerely working the hardest you can, why should someone try to mentally kick you to the curb?  How does that help you achieve your goals?  If that person has some kind of knowledge or wisdom, they should share what they know in order to build and expand your current skill sets.  You never can really prevent someone’s success without somehow shutting yourself down.  There is a law of Cause and Effect in operation 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.  Some call it “Karma”, others say that “You Reap What You Sow”.  Whatever an individual puts out in word, thought, and deed eventually will have to come back to them according to that Spiritual Law.  There is absolutely no escaping that Law.  Some individuals think that the Law does not exist because it is very slow in it’s Reaping stage.  This gives human beings a chance to humble themselves and change before the hammer comes down on them.  Therefore if someone is trying to hinder you, they only slow themselves down in the long run.  Don’t Let Anyone Try To Stop You!

When an individual is trying to slow down your progress taking the high road is a good solution.  You can use this barrier as fuel or ammunition to increase your focus until it has a laser like quality that sees nothing but success.  Imagine having a mind state that is so focused that it is unable to see the people who are making attempts to stop your eventual success and progress.  Let us all be inspired to have such an intense, impenetrable focus, that those who are trying to limit us, somehow have no existence in our minds any more.  Don’t Let Anyone Try To Stop You!

Life on earth for us is not an eternal promise.  We have to seize the precious moments we are blessed with.  Just as many of us are striving to better ourselves through self development there are others who are living on the negative polarity of life and completely proud of it.  Some of them are ready and willing to tear down all of the positivity we have built up from within.  Protecting the awesome inner resources we have acquired through our life is a full time job.  The inner resources you have within are invisible yet invincible when they are protected.  The strong foundations you have within cannot be seen, because they are based on your habitual patterns of thought.  We would be wise not to let anyone rob us of the inner resources that allow us to act in a confident manner because they have been programmed into our subconscious minds through repetition.  We have to protect our inner world and prevent anyone who would try to stop us from achieving the true success we are reaching for.  We have a right to share our brilliance with the world without any second opinions attempting to put out our inner spark.  Do Not Let Anyone Try To Stop You!














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