The Advice We Accept Determines Our Future!

| August 4, 2012 | 0 Comments









The quality of the people we spend our time with will determine our future.  The quality of their knowledge can determine what we talk about or even think about.  The invisible energy that surrounds them has the power to intermingle with our vibe and make a subtle change in us.  We have to be very careful about the advice we accept from others because this has the power to determine the direction our life will take.  The advice that we admit into our consciousness has the ability to become a mental seed that can sprout into a type of flower.  Whether this flower of thought is poisonous or beneficial depends on the quality of people who form as our counsel.  The advice we accept determines our future.

There have been times when I have been driving and made a wrong turn that took me so far away from my destination that I had to drive back to find where I was originally.  Taking advice from the wrong person can take us so far away from our intended direction in life, that we can end up becoming lost.  Someone giving us the wrong counsel or directions can throw us off of our true journey in life and put us (mentally) in the wrong neighborhood.  This alien neighborhood could end up being an environment that has nothing in it to nurture our being so we can grow freely.

Even a plant must have certain conditions which include sunlight and water in order to grow properly.  How much more would a human being need the right kind of advice to inspire and motivate them so they could take the correct path forward, step by step towards ultimate victory?  The right word spoken with skill could spark our brain cells in such a manner that it would be difficult to remember what we were thinking previously.  Some inidividuals are just that inspiring.  Others may just waste your time with flat dead words that have no power in them.  You are left uninspired and your mind was not sparked at all.  The advice we accept determines our future.

The mind is so delicate that we have to be very careful of the stimuli we allow to enter into our Divine Domain.  A person coming into our lives with the wrong advice could be like a scenario where your navigation system starts malfunctioning just when you need it.  Imagine if your system just started blurting out random incorrect information, taking you to the wrong destination constantly.  The correct advice or counsel stimulating the brain in the correct manner will produce precise thoughts and movements that will help that individual step over, move around or avoid possible hurt, harm or danger.  This advice would be so powerful that it will become a part of that individuals mental database to be referred to over and over again.  That advice would graduate from just being mere words into a flowing fountain of wisdom planted within us.  This is the beauty of proper wise counsel and advice.  It can also come through individuals we would least expect it to.  The advice we accept determines our future.



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