I Want To Win!

| June 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

IWIN       There are times when it seems as though there are physical opponents placed in the pathways of our lives.  There are moments that seem like all kinds of bad things happen to us at the “wrong time”.  Our friends, family and foes may even start to chatter about the lack of success we are temporarily experiencing.  As individuals we may start to think about how we wanted our lives to unfold when we were younger.  If our current life is not a complete replica of the visions we had in mind for ourselves, we may even feel a bit of hopelessness and disappointment popping up into our consciousness from time to time.  Our lives are not turning out the way we once envisioned it to be.  We look at the lives we are living now and we are filled with surprise at how we have fallen a bit short of our highest purpose.  Despite these apparent facts, from the depths of our hearts we sincerely want more from this life.  I Want To Win! Even though we are currently surviving we may wish that we took the time we were blessed with to do all that was necessary to accomplish the most important tasks that would be necessary for us to move forward.  Even though it is so important to live in the present moment, time sits still for no human being on earth.  The biggest trick any human being can play on themselves is to think they can waste time and not pay for it in the end.  Every day we do not apply ourselves and do what we are here to do, whether it is a passion, goal or mission, we are wasting the most precious commodity we have called time.  I always remind myself, that I never ever want to look back on my life filled with regret over things I could not accomplish when in all reality, I had the time to do it.  I Want To Win! We should never get so comfortable with time that we think we will have it at our disposal forever.  Please remember this my friends: There will be a time when it will be too late to accomplish our dreams, and you may have to pass the baton on to someone else.  This moment will come when we have wasted so much time that it will be physically, or even mentally impossible to manifest our dreams.  We must also remember that no matter how old or young we are, we will not live forever!  I Want To Win! I want to win by using time to my advantage and not let the time alloted to me, slip and pass me by.  I want to win by seeing and feeling how precious life is and at the same time do all I can to make things happen for me.  I want to take all of my thoughts of regret over past mistakes and burn them in a lake of fire.  By my faith I create my reality regardless if everyone on the planet disputes my chances of success.  I want to win despite of all the appearances to the contrary.  In my mind I will clearly learn to see beyond the disbelief that lives in the hearts of people who claim to have faith.  By persistence my faith will eventually turn into a burning desire for success that becomes continuous.  I will patiently practice because that is what it will take for this thought to become an Automatic Habit.  I want to win in my own lane because I don’t have to compete with others to be the best I can be.  As long as I know that my life is in my own hands, I can change and become who I need to be just as long as I don’t waste time.  The only thought that sticks to my heart like an ever lasting superglue is that I Want To Win!  It is my personal mantra night and day.  It will end up being the outcome of my actions.

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