Memories of Our Past Show That Our Greatness Exists!

| March 18, 2014 | 0 Comments








As time and the daily evolution of our lives cause us to forget about how great we are, we may have to delve into our memory banks so that we may begin to dream of our greatness again.  Are you at the point in your life where you are starting to forget the dreams and idealism of your past and youth?  I think it’s time to get that sparkle in your eyes and start to dream those impossible dreams again.  It is time we do not defer to the people around us and forget that we once had vital dreams that we have put aside to watch others achieve their goals and limitless possibilities.  Imagine getting back on track and making the attempt to pick up some long forgotten goal that seems to “pop-up” in our consciousness every now and then.  This goal was once a driving force in our lives, but now has become a distant memory and an insurmountable dream.  Even though this goal has long passed us by, it’s memory haunts us by never  permanently exiting our consciousness.  Good!  Who is there on this earth that has made it a law  that we have to abandon our dreams because our lives have evolved and become more complicated.  What if there are people on this earth who urgently need the goal or gift you have abandoned.  Memories Of Our Past Show That Our Greatness Exists!

Have you ever thought that you will never have true fulfillment in your life, if you do not pull the goal you have abandoned off of the shelf?  When you look back on your life and remember the times when you were in full possession of your goal, and think of how it gave you direction, passion, enthusiasm, fearlessness and a vision that was like a light leading  you to the complete fulfillment of that desire.  These are some of the positive thought-forms that come along with sticking to your ultimate dream and passion in life.  This goal had the power to bring out the best in you and lift your life’s frequency to a higher level.  Other people that were on your wavelength were drawn into your life, who actually started to help you deliver your purpose to this earth.  Your life started to have a flow until you started to become practical, and believed the world and others, who told you to give up your dreams. You started looking up to famous people who have already become rich and wealthy  following their dreams, and forgot about your own.  Memories Of The Past Show That Our Greatness Exists!

It is so easy for us to give up on our dreams because we have so much company.  There are so many of us who have forgotten about our dreams that it is almost natural to feel comfortable talking about what we used to do “back in the day”.  Some of us, as we get older, have lost that enthusiasm and drive we had, to now live on the sidelines looking at others achieve their life’s purpose.  For many of us that gives us just enough energy to barely walk through our lives to a slow eventual death.  Have you ever thought that the goal, or dream you were given in the past, was a special gift or purpose that you were to mold, shape and give birth to, so that you could inspire and change someone’s life.  We are like human dominoes falling in a row, given the ability to  affect future generations with the gifts and talents that we embrace and  do not cast aside.  Your gift could inspire someone to do something to change the course of history for our planet Earth.  This could change the lives of countless individuals.  You ARE important!  Do not believe what people think about you.  Your friends and family may not understand you and may even ridicule your dreams.  Hold On!  By being faithful to your gift you will eventually receive a sign that you are on the right path.  You are different because your uniqueness allows you to achieve your goals with grace and ease.  You were born to achieve this desire.  You are different because your very uniqueness has matched and paired you perfectly to your gift and your destiny.  That is why you seem different in relationship to the crowd.  We do not have to follow the path of the crowd and become a side-line viewer in this game of life.  Memories Of Our Past Show That Our Greatness Exists!

Time is a very valuable asset that we have to use to our advantage.  Once we waste too much of it, we will never be able to play catch up enough, to retrieve the benefits of using it properly.  Time used properly becomes a friend that can allow us to take goals  that were put on the shelf and activate them for full use in real time.  I have goals that have been temporarily put on the back burner  that must now be brought forth into the light of day.  It is OUR time!  Let us take this opportunity and run with it all the way to the finish line.  We deserve it.  Memories Of Our Past Show That Our Greatness Exists!

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