Tag: pop music

What timeframe is really relevant for us as human beings? Past, Future or Now! We have emotional, traumatic, impressive or even non interesting past experiences. Does that past really exist for us? Many will say, no it does not. Yet the past has the ability to color, and control our present moment reality […]

Do Not Waste Time! Use It Wisely.
We as human beings are constantly in motion, communicating physically, verbally or typing via our smartphones, tablets, the internet and social media. Are we really maximizing the precious time we have been blessed with? I have seen individuals busy doing a whole lot of “nothing”, (if there be such […]

5 Interesting Facts About Uber!
The company Uber Technologies, Inc. was started in March 2009 and has revolutionized what is known as the taxi or car service industry. The company was founded by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp in San Francisco, California. The Uber Corporations business model is based on the functionality and innovative Mobile App they […]

Bob Olhsson Mastering Engineer
Bob Olhsson is a renowned mastering engineer who has literally had his hand on the pulse of music history. The history of Bob Olhsson involves him mastering iconic Motown artists songs and many others. Imagine being able to put the finishing touches on Motown classics that are still revered, getting […]

Day Of D’Struction Album: Mikey D
There aren’t many artists who get a chance to release an album of some of their best works years after their original success. Most artists can only look back at their creativity with fond memories of their best work of the past. Mikey D was able to release the Calm […]

We may assume that we know who walks amongst us and can size a person up with a glance. Yet there are those in our midst who may have talents, skills, and historical significance that are not displayed on our daily news programs. There are some individuals whose story needs to be […]

Building Your Legacy
You may have never thought about what type of legacy you will leave on this earth, yet you are effortlessly creating one right now. Many of us as human beings walk the earth with no concept as to what true and worthwhile legacy we will leave behind. A legacy could […]

The Largest Telescope In The World!
Man has always been extremely fascinated with the stars, planets, comets, galaxies, solar systems and how we as human beings relate to them. The Dogon tribe in Africa has had advanced knowledge of the Sirius Star and the solar system without the use of any telescopes. In addition to […]

Legendary Producer Larry Smith Has Died!
Larry Smith the legendary “King Of The Beats” died on December 19th, 2014. Larry Smith with his groundbreaking beats, 3D Sound, super melodic music that had that special “feeling” helped to usher in the Golden Era of Hip Hop music. Regardless of how much time has passed his music […]

Annie Leibovitz: The Pilgrimage Exhibit!
On November 19th, 2014 I attended and took pictures at an event for famed photographer Annie Leibovitz. It was an exhibit of Annie Leibovitz photographs which is being held at the New York Historical Society. I was there to cover the story for New York Trend Newspaper. The Annie […]

The Cyber Bully!
It seems to be very easy today for hyper critical individuals to hide behind a computer keyboard, smartphone or tablet and type insensitive comments. Whether it is a celebrity, ordinary individual or a current event topic, nothing is sacred to some people. These insensitive statements usually live in the […]

Restore Brooklyn Annual Benefit
On October 20, 2014 I was honored to photograph the Red Carpet at the Restore Brooklyn Annual Benefit held at Lincoln Center. I was taking pictures for New York Trend Newspaper. At this event, the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation was honoring Rosie Perez, the Honorable William Thompson Sr., and […]
Comment Section Cowards!
There are artists who display their music, documentaries, spread information, conduct interviews, all doing it with the idea of getting some exposure for their work. They are not expecting the comment sections of You Tube or other social media sites to become the battleground for comment section […]
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