Category: Life Style

HIP HOP Music: A Tune-Up for the Future!
It is the perfect time for those who are currently participants in the Hip Hop genre to look back. I have long been a lover of the greatest songs in Hip Hop music. It is time for the scope, and vision of this music to become […]

Better From Every Angle!
What would happen if we made just tiny adjustments to our mentalities day by day? Not huge leaps in terms of change but small consistent, vital changes to our mind states day by day. If we looked for a new expression of thought that could make […]

POTASSIUM: For the Mind, Heart, and Body!
POTASSIUM is a commonly heard of mineral that is able to do the Heart and Body Good. Generally we acknowledge that bananas and other fruits have POTASSIUM, but we (for the most part) have no concept of the vital bodily functions it promotes. When we know the […]

Your Fairytale Made Real!
So many individuals are fed images of what their life is supposed to look like, scene by scene. What kind of beliefs they should have. The kind of clothes that are proper to wear. People sometimes alter their speech and mannerisms to adapt to the […]

Focus The Lens!
Whether it is a camera, telescope or a binocular there is a way to focus on an image or target and fine tune its clarity. The more sophisticated equipment will even allow you to isolate the image you’re focused on and fade the […]

We Are Like Clay and Not Set In Stone!
There is a fallacy that we cannot make any significant mental changes beyond a certain age. It is felt that once we get to a certain point in life our mentalities become set in stone and there is really no hope for us to change. That […]

Your Precious Gift To The World!
There is something that we can do better than anyone else. It is our inborn gift that allows us to express it from the depths of our soul. It is a gift that has no limit in its ability to be improved. Your precious […]

The Person In The Mirror Moves Mountains!
The external world we see through our eyes and access via our dreams and visions seem so real and loom large in our thinking process. The people who populate our daily existence sometimes seem to have an overpowering affect on our lives. The traffic […]

Who Are They, To Predict Your Future?
We have to be very careful of who we take our advice from. Some individuals will tell you that you can’t achieve something, but have no real facts to back it up. If your trusted circle of friends or associates is full of doubters, […]

Passing The Musical Baton!
In a day where so many people with some money can be instant producers, Passing The Musical Baton is going to be a necessary activity now and in the future. How can the young or new unknown composers of today make a impact on the […]

A Shooting Star, No Matter Who You Are!
A shooting star is technically a meteoroid that is burning up as it moving through the earth’s atmosphere. When it is within the earth’s atmosphere it becomes a meteor. The appearance of this special event that occurs in our universe is similar to the lives […]

Trapped In The Song!
When you have been graced by the timeless spell of a magical song you can lose consciousness of where you are at. You helplessly become trapped within the confines of the song. You are trapped in the song when you can forget your problems, current environment, […]

Piano Keys: A Lesson In Teamwork!
Piano Keys: A Lesson In Teamwork!, they are indeed. Piano Keys that are different in sound and frequency can come together for a common cause. That common cause could be a song, a movie score or even an orchestra arrangement. The idea that the […]

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We Are In 2012!
Happy New Year! 2012 Is Here! Let this be the year that we make the visions, dreams, and goals we have always wanted happen now! Let this be the year of action and unbelievable miraculous success. Let this be the year we get out of […]