The Person In The Mirror Moves Mountains!

| January 25, 2012 | 0 Comments












The external world we see through our eyes and access via our dreams and visions seem so real and loom large in our thinking process.  The people who populate our daily existence sometimes seem to have an overpowering affect on our lives.  The traffic we are in that surrounds us with all of its aspects of unpredictability effect us in our daily life.  As we walk down the street we are faced with people who are responding to our energy and so forth.  We have looked at our pasts as though the memorable events dancing through the visual aspect of our minds have the actual physical power to control our reality.  With all of these 3D images passing through our inner radar and bombarding our daily existence, where is our power?  The person in the mirror moves mountains!  We have obstacles arrayed all around us, with seeming missiles coming at us from every direction, where is the power that will help us?

We can look north, south, east, and west, but the best place to look is in the mirror.  We have given the external world more power than it deserves.  We have given the external world the power to affect even our mental stability.  We have placed external events under huge spotlights and given them life altering power.  Have you ever noticed when you have felt with your mind, heart, and soul that nothing could stop you, events seemed to shape themselves according to that belief.  Also when we have bought into the events surrounding us, especially if they have been negative, our thinking seems to shape similar events that come into our lives.

If we look closely at the sequence of events that pour around us in the form of conditions we will notice that our inner outlook always seems to reflect in the quality and tone of the conditions we encounter.  We will also notice that the moment we consciously tweak our thinking or outlook we begin draw to ourselves like minded people and even idea forms.  If we by the nature of our mind and spirit automatically have the ability to attract or repel completely based on thought, then the power to move mountains is looking at us in the mirror daily.  Have we ever thought that our energy or frequency is placing the mountain right in our pathway until we make change?  The person in the mirror can move mountains when they change from the heart level (subconscious).  That is where the essence of the person in mirror is, the heart.  The rich ground from which all of our thought seeds spring forth from and blossom into seemingly unchangeable conditions.  Those changes come only by consistent repetition of words, thoughts, symbols or visions.  If that change or mental revolution is permanent, the person you see in the mirror may not have to encounter mountains at all.  They would be creating a reality (mental movie) they have scripted themselves.  The person in the mirror sometimes  creates their own mountains, but has the power to remove them.






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