Category: Life Style

Friends For A Lifetime!
We have sometimes felt a lack of true sincerity from individuals we have encountered in life, and it can seem confusing as to whether someone is a true friend or not. At the beginning of our lives we sometimes assume we will have certain people […]

Happy Holidays to everyone who celebrates. If you do not celebrate you still were blessed to be alive so I still say Happy Holidays to you as well. Regardless of the scenario Every Day we wake up alive, well and above ground is really a […]

One Day There Will Be Respect for Music: A Vision!
There will come a time when music will not be considered a hustle. A time when new musicians will look to the past masters with respect, not calling them old school. A time will come when formulas will not be attached to the making of […]

100% EFFORT!
What we put into our efforts directly affects the outcome of our work. Put 25% effort and quality into whatever we are trying to accomplish and it will show. The interesting thing is that others will be able to feel (at some level) the […]

JAMESHAMLETT.COM Subscribe and Share!
This Blog Magazine covers: Entertainment News, Life Style, and Tech-Talk. The information is delivered with the intent to entertain, inspire and inform. There has been much work put into the site to share information in a unique way. The site also contains pages which include Tech […]

Give Credit Where It Is Due!
It is not that hard to acknowledge someone that has helped you and has given you some information that was instrumental in your life’s journey. We do not get where we are by ourselves. We are just links in a chain that started before we […]

Against All Odds!
When you make a promise to yourself that you are going to accomplish something it should be Against All Odds. There should be no room for retreat. It is easy to have a dream, but what keeps that dream in check? Is there a back door […]

We Can Make It Easy!
Making the difficult tasks we approach in life easy could be the key to produce a more friction free existence. Any individual who can make complex: facts, instructions, concepts, philosophies or statements easy to understand, grasp and master provides a valuable service to the […]

VITAMIN A – (beta carotene) Gets an A+!
We have all heard of VITAMIN A, but do we know and understand the functions it helps to promote within our body? It is funny that even though the importance of VITAMIN A is vital to our body’s growth and maintenance, these important facts about it are not […]

Harnessing Time!
Are we using time to our advantage? Is time this foreign entity that is constantly working against us? Time is the constant thing that we can never rewind and replay as our present moments are slowly becoming the past. It may seem like a foreign entity […]

Continuing the Cycle!
What ever train of thought, habits, or repetitious behaviors that are ingrained in us will end up being the cycle that we will unknowingly continue and pass on. Sometimes we may not like how those who came before us have treated us, yet we make no real […]

Different for a Reason!!
Some individuals regret being different than others in one way or the other. Many are even criticized for having personalities that seem to go against the grain of popular thought. Imagine some of the self doubt thoughts these type of criticisms have caused in some sensitive […]

Their footsteps are fading!!
We sometimes think and may want certain people to go with us on our journey through life. Can everyone go with us? Will everyone be able to cross the finish line with us? Out of love we may think certain people are absolutely necessary for our lives. […]

VITAMIN C – right before your eyes!
In this fast paced technology driven society it can be very easy to take a vitamin instead of looking for the foods that contain them. The vitamin is fine as a supplement, but we sometimes need to take a look at what foods contain the nutrition we […]