Tag: pop music

I Will Persist!
Even though there may be a storm in my life, I will fight through until I accomplish my goal. The thunder, lightning and rain may cloud the vision of a crystal clear sunshiny day, yet I will persist to the end. Those who should have my best […]

I Am Too Old For What?
I refuse to let any part of my mind, body, and soul believe that I am getting too old to accomplish anything. The media and society will have you believe that age can actually determine success. Society would have us buy into the notion that only […]

Mikey D: Inside The Mind Of A Rhyme!
There are many self appointed Kings in the world of Hip-Hop today. But few would have any notoriety without the millions of dollars record companies put behind them in the form of marketing campaigns. Mikey D was considered a Great MC before he […]

The New Steve Jobs Movie: JOBS!
There is a new biographical film based on the life of Steve Jobs and will be in theaters on August 16, 2013. The focus of the movie will concentrate on the years of 1971 to 2011. Joshua Michael Stern is the director of the movie. He was also the […]

I Want To Win!
There are times when it seems as though there are physical opponents placed in the pathways of our lives. There are moments that seem like all kinds of bad things happen to us at the “wrong time”. Our friends, family and foes may even start to chatter about the lack of success we […]

The Health Benefits Of Brown Rice!
Whenever we go to a restaurant, have dinner at a family or friends house we are usually without a doubt served white rice. At this point in time white rice is the dominant rice served in the food service industry regardless of the type of food we […]

Patience Is A Magnet!
The things that we desire are just not happening fast enough for us. We may sometimes feel and see others around us obtaining their desires, and we can get frustrated with the seemingly slow pace in which our goals are being accomplished. So many of the disappointments we encounter […]

The Tesla Model S: Our Automotive Future!
With all of the controversy being raised by the dependence of the world on oil, a solution is needed. The environment is being adversely affected by the polluted emissions spread by gasoline powered engines daily. The prices of gasoline are steadily rising with no end in sight. […]

There Is A Time For Everything!
Some individuals will look at your life and not see the evidence of your eventual progress. They will not see the glorious outcome of your faithful persistence in the pursuit of your dreams. Every successful person has had a time when pursuing their goals in which […]

Seeing Our Goals With Less Limitations!
How would our minds function if we could see our goals with less limitations? If everyday we could erase or reinvent elements of our thinking so that we could approach our lives with less limiting thoughts, our mindsets would improve. When we carry limitations in our consciousness our thinking will not be […]

Today Is A Fresh Start For Me!
Regardless of whatever negative happenings have occurred in my life in the past, today can be a fresh start for me. I don’t have to be burdened with the mental scenery of the past haunting my mind. Even if an individual tries to remind us of […]

The Wolf Of Wall Street: Martin Scorcese: November 2013
Director Martin Scorcese has finished production on the highly anticipated film: The Wolf Of Wall Street. This movie is based on the autobiography of Jordan Belfort which carries the same name as the film. The movie is based on the life of Mr. Belfort who was a […]

Music Is Sonic Sculpture!
Music is not a joke, a fantasy or a set of sounds created to manipulate people in order to make money. Music to me is one of the highest forms of art like the paintings and sculptures of the great masters. Only the greatest in music fit in […]

Folic Acid: Brain Power In The Foods We Eat!
The supermarkets that are in our neighborhoods contain all of the foods that are filled with Folic Acid which is part of the B Complex family. Folic Acid is necessary for the proper development of the brain. We all need to be reminded from time to time that […]