Tag: self empowerment

I Want No Regrets!
If I were to zoom 25 years into my future life, would I be totally happy with how I lived my previous years. Looking back, would I have regrets over how I treated people? Could I confidently walk through life knowing that my conscience was clear? Personally […]

A Sense of Urgency!
If we wanted the best results in accomplishing what we would call our Passion in life what type of mind-state would produce the results we are looking for? Would it be the mind-state that lives and breaths with the idea that we have All the time in the world to […]

Quality is Job One!
In a day when mediocrity is becoming more common, quality needs to be at forefront of the creative or business persons mind. Thousands of songs are being entered on I-tunes without regard to quality control. It took a an economic crisis for the American car companies to take […]

Peer Pressure at any Age….
A person can be an adult and still be subject to severe peer pressure. It is not just children or teenagers who are subject to effects of peer pressure. It can be alive and well deep into our adult years. We may think we are really grown and have […]

Is it Fuel or Will it Stop Me?
The hardships we experience in life can be seen as either be fuel to propel us forward or complete barriers that will stop us. If we look at the opposing forces that we encounter in life as fuel through which we can draw forth more of the power inside […]