Category: Life Style
I Want No Regrets!
If I were to zoom 25 years into my future life, would I be totally happy with how I lived my previous years. Looking back, would I have regrets over how I treated people? Could I confidently walk through life knowing that my conscience was clear? Personally […]
A Sense of Urgency!
If we wanted the best results in accomplishing what we would call our Passion in life what type of mind-state would produce the results we are looking for? Would it be the mind-state that lives and breaths with the idea that we have All the time in the world to […]
The Smartphone and Tablet Killed the Desktop PC Part 3
When the Artificial Intelligence Voice Command program SIRI on the IPHONE 4s become standard for the IPAD and even with the (forthcoming) APPLE TV there will be less of a need for the Desktop PC. As stated on an earlier post, Apple bought the A.I. technology as an APP […]
Quality is Job One!
In a day when mediocrity is becoming more common, quality needs to be at forefront of the creative or business persons mind. Thousands of songs are being entered on I-tunes without regard to quality control. It took a an economic crisis for the American car companies to take […]
The Smartphone and Tablet Killed the Desktop PC Part 2
The technology that is provided within the Smartphone and the Tablet is changing how personal computing can be applied in our daily lives. Now the smart phone is becoming the new computer. The Tablet was considered great to support E-books and good for internet use initially. With […]
Peer Pressure at any Age….
A person can be an adult and still be subject to severe peer pressure. It is not just children or teenagers who are subject to effects of peer pressure. It can be alive and well deep into our adult years. We may think we are really grown and have […]
Is it Fuel or Will it Stop Me?
The hardships we experience in life can be seen as either be fuel to propel us forward or complete barriers that will stop us. If we look at the opposing forces that we encounter in life as fuel through which we can draw forth more of the power inside […]
Fall in Line Behind Greatness
If there is someone who has a particular skill set that is greater than ours why not learn from them? Shouldn’t we be proud to Fall in Line Behind Greatness in another? Some individuals will resist learning from someone because they just want to be the leader […]
The Smartphone and Tablet Killed the DeskTop PC Part 1
The desktop has been the mainstay of consumer PC purchases since they became popular in the 80’s. From the early Apple computers, the Commodore 64 and many others the desktop was the popular computing tool for the home, office and school. There was no other option. We […]
How would you act, if tomorrow was not promised?
How would think, act and talk to your friends, associates and loved ones if you knew tomorrow was not guaranteed? We sometimes walk around like physically we are invincible. I remind myself every so often that there are some people that did not wake up this morning so there […]
Who can stop Complete Belief?
When there is no sign of our dream coming true, can we still have belief? At this very moment many of us are burdened by nothing but a bit of disbelief. If we had complete belief in our objective who or what could really stop us? I am not saying […]
Emerging from the Sidelines of Life
There are individuals who have been on the sidelines of life so long that it is almost a comfort zone to be invisible. To take the risk to come off of the bench and actually win in the game of life is a scary prospect. Mental excuses are made […]
Do YOU Follow your BLISS?
Are we following our Bliss? The thing we would really love to do if we had a chance. Our Passion. It does not really matter what people think about what your true path in life is. It does not matter because your Bliss or Passion is what you are born or […]
Music the Soundtrack of Our Lives
Music is not just an abstract set of sounds to be used just for entertainment purposes only. Music can touch our hearts, minds and enhance the events of our lives. Music can calm the mind and set it free to dream beyond the every day mundane activities we encounter. […]